token STRING required | Encrypted token that contains de credential to access the accounting software. Use the online Tokenizer to generate new tokens. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
batch STRING | Name of the batch you want to add the invoice, if it doesn't exist, Bridge will create a new Batch. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
code STRING required | The unique identifier for a client, Bridge will use all informations for this client to create the invoice (Address, Terms, GL etc). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
invoice STRING required | Unique Invoice Number | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
order STRING | Order Number | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
po STRING | Purchase order number | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
date STRING required | Date of the current invoice | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
description STRING | Invoice Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
termcode STRING | Payment term code | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
currency STRING | 3 Digits currency code ( CAD, USD ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
lines ARRAY required | Invoice Details.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
return OBJECT | Return informations to your application
"code":"Askew Shopping Centre",
"date":"Mar 31,
"reference":"This my Reference",
"comment":"This is my comment",
"description":"Trump's Toilet paper",
Copyright © Création Logicom 2025