token STRING required | Encrypted token that contains de credential to access the accounting software. Use the online Tokenizer to generate new tokens. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
code STRING required | The unique identifier for a supplier, Bridge will use all informations for this supplier to create the purchase (Address, Terms, GL etc). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
date STRING required | Date of the current purchase | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
purchasetoclient STRING | Client code to address the purchase | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
reference STRING | Purchase Reference | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
description STRING | Purchase short description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
project NUMBER | Project number associate with this purchase | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
taxgroup STRING | Name of the Tax Group, if not defined, bridge will use the default tax group of the supplier | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
ship OBJECT | Shipping informations
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
lines ARRAY | Purchase Details.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
return OBJECT | Return informations to your application
"reference":"This my Reference",
"description":"This is my description",
"name":"Miracle Company",
"contact":"John Doe",
"address":"123 Bonneville Street",
"postal":"J9E 4T4",
"description":"Gift Certificat",
"description":"Steel French Window and 2 Tiled Windows",
"description":"Descriptive line only",
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